Multimedia Round4

     Multimedia is the study of the Technology that is related to code programming languages. In this round, I continue to study more about Python function, Python lists, and Python Dictionaries. Python function is the study of a block of code that reusable and their only run when it is called. In python we study about the Defining functions (1),(2) and (3) and calling the function . after that I study about the Python lists. Python list is the study of A collection of items that are ordered and changeable. And I have learned about the Accessing items, changing items values, loop through the list, check if the item exists, list length, add items. Append, add items – insert and remove the items . and the last one I study about the Python Dictionaries. Python Dictionaries is the study of  A collection of items that is unordered and changeable. I have learned about the Dictionary list, accessing items, change items values, loop through Dictionaries and more. I feel really struggle with the python function because it really hard to make me understand how can it work. I try to ask my friend, they explain to me how to it work and then i get it. But sometimes multimedia is really difficult to understand. When you study about multimedia you should take note it to make you easy to understand how it works and easy for you to remember.    I think python is one of the subjects that are important in our daily and expectantly for the people that love to study math. Because sometimes is related to math.


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