How I Change Cambodia(Year 2)

    Everyone in the world always have the world change in their own life. Even the change in environment or other thing. But before you change something you need to change yourself.  And here what i have Change this year throughout the exploration.

   One of my best exploration this year was an exploration call Historical Symbolism. I’m really proud of myself because i get the some of the meaning of the statue in my country. In Cambodia, every province has at least one statue to represent that province.and there always the meaning behind each statue .In Cambodia, the government plans to put a statue in every province at least one to represent the symbol of that province. 

   I think it is really important to know every statue in our country because some of the statue in our country are representing other things such as the unique product in each province, animal, culture and others. Imagine that you live as Cambodia when you walk outside people try to ask you what it the meaning behind the statue that they are seen and you didn’t even know the meaning of the statue in your own country. You can feel how it really embarrassing. 

   And I think it is good for all the people around to learn about the statue in our own Country. And also I think this one of the Changing In Cambodia that i get this year. And I want all the people around Cambodia to know more about mean behind each statue in Cambodia. 

   After the end of the exploration we have the final product that we put all the information that we get in to the geography book to show case about the wonder of Cambodia and also to give more information to the people in Cambodia to get more idea about the meaning behind each statue in Cambodia.

How I Change Cambodia ( Year 3)

     “Change”  is an ordinary word but it’s have powerful meaning that people never knew how powerful  it is. Like the quote says, “ your life does not get better by chance, but it gets better by change” From Jim Rohn an American entrepreneur, author and motivational speaker. In my intellect it mean that even though people have a lot of chances in their life but if they don’t change their old perspective with it everything it was still the same. And when we want phenomenon to change we must collaborate together to help the country change.

   Cambodia is a country that is starting to develop right now. Through this is my 3rd year at Liger I have done one of the exploration which  is “ Indigenous Community” .

    There are a lot of indigenous people in Cambodia. But some of the people didn’t know a lot about the indigenous life. And nowadays some of the indigenous have changed their daily into Khmer people by dressing like Khmer right now, working like Khmer people and some of their culture now have been changed because of their married with Khmer people or Because of the developing of Cambodia technology. But we shouldn’t forget about the old traditional about indigenous. In the exploration was focus about the daily life of the indigenous, the traditional cloth, Indigenous culture ceremony and Do their still belief in their god nowadays. Do you know how it is important for your new generation to know about the old traditional? And why do we have to protect the old transitional of Indigenous? 

     So let’s think about why we have to protect it ? because everything in the world must have their own background . like indigenous their have their own background and their own languages. Nowadays some of the indigenous have been studying in government primary school like Khmer Kids does. And their will know how to speak Cambodia. Manifest some of the indigenous had said that some of the new indigenous children don’t know their own languages. And their belief to the spirit also fall down . That’s why we create the exploration to keep the information about Souy indigenous people. Even it small but it also have been a part that help Cambodia new generation understand about the indigenous people and change their perspective some of the indigenous people that they didn’t want to walk on their old traditional to know more about it even their want to change it .

     Even though it doesn’t relating a lot to change Cambodia but it is also a piece of the helping and changing in it. And that also have change their perspective when their want to change their old traditional to keep in mind that even if I change but I should keep the traditional for the next generation to know about it too. And we have creating the book . and the book is also some of the information that people can read it and get some idea about the old traditional of indigenous too.  


Electricity Exploration

     Have you ever wondered about the electricity that you use every day? Well, I think some people might think about it if there don’t know anything about electricity in their country like me. For the starting exploration of the new school year, I have been a part of the exploration of Electricity. This is a new project for me because I didn’t know anything about electricity. For the past 7 weeks that I have been working on this project. I have spent a lot of time to research what are the resources that use to energy-generating right now and get some idea about renewable energy developing right now. We have divided people as a small crew and work on opposed task about electricity. My team we working on Thermal energy. We have been researching the type of thermal and we divided work to do. For me, I work on burning coal power plants. I have learned a lot about coal power plants how it impacts what will it affect if we burn a lot of coal to generate power. And also I have been to some of the trips with my whole team to study other ways of generating energy such as wind power, solar farm, and hydro power. One of my favorite trips when I went to Kampong Speu to visit the mini-grid provided by the Okra Solar Company. I have learned a lot about the smart grids that combine the flexibility of solar home systems that provide power to many homes. And my team also interviewed the villagers that live there to get some background about their lifestyle before they used Okra Solar and how they feel after.
    After that exploration, I feel proud of how people use many types of ways to generate electricity. And this exploration also makes me solve my question about electricity.

Solar Panel at Kampong Spue





Okra solar Company member teach my group about the system.
Our team walked to interview the villager.


Math R5

 The last round of the year I have been working on the last chapter of the math book which is the per algebra. It is the most difficult and the most fun topic at the same time as I work on it. By the way in this round I have working on other topic too,  which is the coordinate and the negative number. Both of the topic  are my favorite topic, even it is difficult and hard to understand sometime. To study about this i have so many challenge to understand the structure of the chapter. Before I Study this topic I’m just thinking that this topic is boring but after study this, my mine have change like I mention when the first start of the sentence. Well right now I can shared some of my suggestion that i have when I study about this. So before you study about the negative number you must have a book to take note because It is really tricky for you to remember but if you have the book you can just talk note it you will be more remember about it. And when you study about the coordinate you must have to remember the plane of the coordinate. And number that is represent in each plane by the X and Y coordinate. This is mean that whenever you are study or working in a project you must take note because not will help you a lot in your study and working.

Coordinate plane
Negative number

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Adobe Photoshop independent study( 1 week )

 For the whole week of this independent study.  I have used my time to learn more about how to use Photoshop. Because Photoshop is functional and it helps to learn how to edit the picture in many unlike ways like changing the background picture, edit the picture to have more beautiful color, and combine two pictures together and more. I’m really interested in how to use Photoshop for changing background picture and how to combine the images together to make one image. This isn’t easy to edit the picture and changing the background of the picture that you like. It really hard for me when I edit the picture at first because some of the tools I need to learn how to use it more to provide me an idea of how can it work? And mostly I use my time to learn how changing the background of the picture of the girl that sitting in the forest to make her sitting under the mushroom.  To be a best of learning about something isn’t easy for me. I spend most of the time to work on it. And I have many struggles to learn about this such as using the tool of Photoshop as I mention. Changing the color of the picture and using the cutting picture tool. Even it is difficult for me but I think it really fun and cool to learn about it and and the picture down below are the outcome after editing the picture. And the source that I use to learn are you tube video and asked my friend when I don’t understand it. And I am really happy to see the outcome of my Photoshop editing and I really love it.

A picture of the pregnant mother stand in the sunset at the beach!
A child sit under the mushroom ! 


Round 4( How to be happy when you are lonely)

What will you do when you are lonely?

   Loneliness Is a feeling that people have all around the world. But that is ok, it’s just an impression that you have when you become a teenager. This is not awful when you are feeling lonely. Trust me,  everyone has that impression but if you have that impression what will you do? If you don’t know that’s Ok, because today you will get some of the suggestions about how to be happy when you are lonely!


  • Show up on social media


   Some people may say social media isn’t the good thing to do when are lonely, but unfortunately, it is one of the acceptable help that will provide you a friend whenever you are in a lonely mood. You can check your hangout or messenger to find your friend, Are they online or not and just try to chat to them and find the topic to talk after that you will get out of that mood. Or you can share your feeling with your friend. Can you imagine when your friend shared their story with you, How do you feel? Sometime to build up your friendship together you should share your Impression with your friend. And your friend will support you and help you to get out of that Impression.


  • Hang out on a solo date


       “A solo date?” This might sound funny when you hear it but isn’t funny. A solo date is about spending time eating in the restaurant that you like and you think is the most beautiful place where you can hang out and release all your problems and get out of the lonely feeling. Sometimes eating is the perfect thing to do when you are lonely. People need to eat to help their life go on. Spend your time with delicious food eat it and not thinking about what happened in the world. Eat more food to make you grow up more and help your body building up with the vitamin that your food provide. You will be strong.


  • Watch a movie or read a book


   Watching a movie and reading a book are other ideas that you can use to release the feeling that you have. Finding a movie or comic book to read or watch it. You can choose either to go to the cinema or just stay at home or find a movie on the internet. But for the book, you can read it online, in the book or go to the library to read the book. You may know that the library is a place where there are a lot of people come together to study and spend time with the book. When you go to the library you will meet some new people you will have a conversation with them. Then you will think that you aren’t alone and there also the people still want to be your friend.


  • Music


   Music is a part of life. When you are in a lonely mood you can use music to help you. Music can sing you to sleep when you are asleep you can stop that feeling. some people might say that music is annoying when you are lonely. But it isn’t. Even song of the music is the song that talk about the sad love or life it also containing the good inspiring quote in the song for the people in the lonely Impression to listen.


  • Volunteer


       Volunteer to help people is a new purpose that you can choose to implement into your lonely mood. Just spend your time with the people around even if they’re on the street or you can go to an orphanage to share your study with them or to help the people cleaning a stream or clean at the dump site. Helping people is more than just sit in a lonely impression. A lot of people need you to help so you can go and volunteer with other people cleaning. When you go to helping people you will get to know new people and you will have the conversation with the people that you meet and the people that you help there will give you love. You will know that you aren’t alone because their also the people that love and need you to be with them.


  • Spend time in nature


   When you are lonely is Fine. But why don’t go out and have the picnic alone at somewhere like a park, or go on hiking . When you go to the park or hiking you will see the nature around. Nature is one of the friends that you should spend time with. Sometimes nature is the best friend that helps you to define who you are. So it is time for you to go and spend time with the natural . natural also have a feeling like you does. When you are lonely you should spend your time with the natural and try to pretend yourself as the nature and release your feeling like the natural release their Carbon dioxide.  Sometime smell of the fresh air and the tree flower will help your to release your bad impression.

      What is the point of Blame yourself when you are lonely? There is no reason why you should blame yourself when you are lonely. Let me tell you when you lonely you should sit and slowly breath in and out and drink cool water and relax. When you are breathing don’t think about the thing that make you feel more lonely. Just close your eye and count your breath.

      Here are the suggestions that you can use when you are lonely! Like the quote says

unexpected moment is the best of happiness” from the author name Julia Quinn. She is an author of the American roman novel. It means that sometimes the unexpected moment in life, it can be the best memory that you can use it to stop your Impression  that you have. That is a good time to try and find out about yourself when you feel lonely, just be happy and achieve what you can see. And I hope you can get out of loneliness when you are practicing all the idea that I give.

Multimedia Round4

     Multimedia is the study of the Technology that is related to code programming languages. In this round, I continue to study more about Python function, Python lists, and Python Dictionaries. Python function is the study of a block of code that reusable and their only run when it is called. In python we study about the Defining functions (1),(2) and (3) and calling the function . after that I study about the Python lists. Python list is the study of A collection of items that are ordered and changeable. And I have learned about the Accessing items, changing items values, loop through the list, check if the item exists, list length, add items. Append, add items – insert and remove the items . and the last one I study about the Python Dictionaries. Python Dictionaries is the study of  A collection of items that is unordered and changeable. I have learned about the Dictionary list, accessing items, change items values, loop through Dictionaries and more. I feel really struggle with the python function because it really hard to make me understand how can it work. I try to ask my friend, they explain to me how to it work and then i get it. But sometimes multimedia is really difficult to understand. When you study about multimedia you should take note it to make you easy to understand how it works and easy for you to remember.    I think python is one of the subjects that are important in our daily and expectantly for the people that love to study math. Because sometimes is related to math.



Multimedia is the class that taking all the stuff that related to the technology. In this term i have study more about the python in Python is study of the A block of code imported by some other code. object Any data with state (attributes or value) and defined behavior (methods). … Pythonic An idea or piece of code which closely follows the most common idioms of the Python language, rather than implementation code using concepts common to other languages. And it for the beginning class of study code. In this term of the multimedia class were study about :


  • If statement
  • Booleans
  • Indentation
  • Elif statement
  • Else statement
  • And or not


  • Comparisons


Human of Cambodia (HOC)

Human of Cambodia is an exploration that talking about the human life of Cambodia and it Inspired by human of New York . In this exploration I have learn a lot about the human life such :

  • How different between single mother and the normal mother?
  • What is the saddest moment in people life?
  • What is the memorable moment that people never forget?
  • What is the the difference between kid live with family and the kid live in the organization ?
  • What is the difficult thing in people life?   
  • Opinion about the orphan kid?

In this exploration i have learn a lot . i think this exploration is such the most wonderful exploration that make me understand a lot about the human life and many experience. And some kind of thing that i never expect. And it also make me understand  myself that i also have the photograph skill. Beside that i really enjoy to writing the caption for the story of the people that have and one of my favorite story is when I go to helping hand and interviewed the kid and she tell me the pretty cool story about her and what she want to be in the future and tell me the reason why their want to be that .  One thing that i really love is that after this exploration I really appreciate myself that i have all the thing that the other people in Cambodia some don’t have it. Also because of this exploration, it inspiring me to write the poem title : darkness of me!


The outside beauty you can see by eye,

But the inside beauty you never see it by eye.

Everyday you see me smile but you don’t know:

What inside of me that i have

I need someone to shared about it

But sadly every one that i see and wanted to shared

It all the not the safe to hide.

Just so you know everyone has their own dark side

Like the moon that you can see every night.

It have to hide and show in the sky like

your life would be in one day.

Let me tell you the story

I was a kid with the father run always

Out of me and family became other woman come in.

Everyday my mom drunk

Because of the dump thing that my dad did.

He have the other guys and leave us.

I feel really dangerous to live with that

I want to tell my mom to stop drunk

And let me be inside to shared the idea

But the god don’t bless me

He take my mommy to live with him

And make become an orphan guys like now.