សរសេរតាមអាន ពាក្យនិងពន្យល់ពាក្យ

ថ្នាក់ខ្មែរគីជា ថ្នាក់ដែលសំខាន់ព្រោះតែយើងជាខ្មែរយើងត្រូរតែ សិក្សាអំពីភាសាជាតិរបស់ខ្លួន។ តាមរយ:​ការសិក្សា ចំនួយមួយត្រីមាសនេះ ខ្ញុំបានសិក្សាអំពីការសរសេរ​តាមអាន អំពីពាក្យធម្មតាដែលប្រជាជនប្រើប្រាស់ជាប្រចាំ។​ ការ​ប្រើប្រាស់ពាក្យប្រចាំថ្ងៃនិងការសរសេរគឺខុសគ្នា។ វាខុសគ្នាត្រង់ការនិយាយគឺខ្លិនិងមិនមានន័យវែងដូចជាការ សរសេរឡើយការសរសេរត្រូវតែមានលក្ខណ:​និងអក្សរត្រូវទៅតាមដែលបាមកំណត់។ នៅក្នុងនោះខ្ញុំបានសរសេរ ពាក្យមួយចំនួនដូចជា៖ ព្រហ្មវិហារធម៌ ករុណា សង្រ្គាន្ត ត្រុដិ ករុណា មេត្តា មុទិតា​​ បាល្ល័ង្ក ឧបេក្ខា ។ល។

  • ឧបេក្ខា ការតាំងចិត្តជាកណ្ដាល។
  • ត្រុដី មានន័យថាការផ្ដាច់។
  • សង្គ្រាន្តគឺជាពិធីដែលគេប្រារព្ធដើម្បីផ្លាស់ឆ្នាំចាស់ចូលទៅឆ្នាំថ្មី។
  • កុរណា គឺជាភាពសេចក្ដីអាណិតអាសូរ សន្ដោអ្នកដទៃ។​
  • មុទិតា គឺជាការមិនមានចិត្តច្រណែនអ្នកដទៃ។


Acids and bases experiments

We have do the acids and bases experiments on Thursday 07/03/my class have to do the experiment  about how the color and how it work and think why we get the answer now let me tell you what we did.

Ingredient and material: 


  • Cups
  • Red cabbage solution as an indicator
  1. Lemon juice
  2. Vinegar
  3. Sprite
  4. Water
  5. Toothpaste and water solution
  6. Baking soda and water solution
  7. Bleach.

How to do it

  1. Take the water , lemon juice,vinegar,sprite,water,toothpaste and water solution, baking soda and water solution and Bleach(20 ml) and then put it into the individual cut.
  2. After that poll the red cabbage solute with indicator  into each cut that we put the lemon juice,vinegar,sprite,water,toothpaste and water solution, baking soda and water solution and Bleach.
  3. After that you will see how it changing !

What i can see ?

  • Vinegar and the red cabbage the color will become Pink.
  • Sprite and the red cabbage the color will become light pink
  • Bleach with the red cabbage the color will become brown but just a minute later and will be white.
  • Baking soda and the red cabbage the color will become green
  • The solute of toothpaste and red cabbage the color will be Purple and have the bubble that come from the toothpaste solute
  • Water and red cabbage it will become light purple
  • After that pull the all the water  we mix with each other
  1. Put the solute  that the we mix between Bleach and Lemon juice you will see the color it become white and have the gas when we stir it and it hot .
  2. Then baking soda and the vinegar and the color will be change into dark blue and when we stir we can see the bubble gas come up and  it feel cold .
  3. Last one we pull together between Sprite and the solute of the toothpaste and the color is changing to dark pink and the we can see the bubble that is come from the tooth paste .
  • Finished that we have to talk all the solutes that we mix it last time take it all together and then put it all into the solute of the water and red cabbage then it become no smell and no feel, and also the color it changing to purple.

Lab report

All the color of the solute that it mix together what i think it maybe acid if the color of the  solute together is have the color pink and red are the Acid and the dark all the dark color(purple or Dark green) all of them are the  base.

Acid and Base Experiment

Percentage and Angle

Round 3 of math class I have learned about the percentage and the angle. Percentage is the number that they use it to represent the number stand for 100. The sign of percentage is this(%) . In percentage lesson I learn how to change the fraction to percentage , how to using the percentage to know the price of something that we buy that is discount. And  also how to use the percentage to stand for something that have a lot of number. After i finish study the percentage i’m study about the angle. Angle is the two line that come together to meet at some point and it represent by the(°) degrees  . They are four properties or rules in angle . which are supplementary angle , complementary angle, vertically opposite and the other not name and it just called Angle.

  • Supplementary angle is an angle that add up to 180°.
  • Complementary angle is an angle that add up to 90°.
  • Vertically opposite is an angle that is have equal side.
  • Angle is a round a point that add up to 360°.

And I also learn how to measure the angle. After study about this i feel it really cool to study about the percentage and the angle. It really fun whenever i study about the angle and percentage because angle and percentage is helping people a lot in everyday life.



មុខវិជ្ជាដែលសិក្សាផ្ទាល់ពីប្រវត្តិនិងតួនាទីរបស់កិរិយាសព្ទ។ កិរិយាសព្ទ័គឺជាវេយ្យករណ៍ប្រភេទមួយ


នូវ​ដំណើរ ដូច​ជា​ពាក្យ៖ដើរ, ឈរ, អង្គុយ, ដេក ..។ល។ នៅក្នុងកិរិយាសព្ទ័មានកិរិយាសំខាន់ៗ

ជាច្រើនដូចជា​ សកម្មកិរិយា​ អសកម្មកិរិយា កិរិយាសព្ទ័សុទ្ធ ជំនួយកិរិយា កិរិយាចំណង កាលកិរិយា​ កិរិយាសព្ទ័បច្ចុប្បន្នកាល កិរិយាសព្ទ័អតីតកាល កិរិយាសព្ទ័អនាគតកាល និងកិរិយាសព្ទ័ហេតុ។

    • សកម្មកិរិយា  គឺ​កិរិយា​ដែល​ត្រូវ​មាន​ពាក្យ​មក​បំពេញ​អំពើ ទើប​គ្រប់​គ្រាន់ ដូច​ជា​ពាក្យ​ថា៖ ខ្ញុំ​ឈូស​ឈើ, គេ​ទិញ​សំពត់, អ្នក​នេសាទ​ស្ទូច​ត្រី, ចោរ​លួច​ទ្រព្យ…។ ឈើ, សំពត់, ត្រី, ទ្រព្យ ជា​កម្ម​របស់​កិរិយា


  • អសកម្មកិរិយា​​​  កិរិយា​ដែល​មាន​អំពើ​​នឹង​ខ្លួន​ឯង ដូច​ជា​ពាក្យ៖ ខ្ញុំ​កើត, យើង​ទៅ, វា​ស្លាប់។


  • ជំនួយកិរិយាគឺជាពាក្យសម្រាប់បង្គប់ន័យសេចក្ដីឲ្យកិរិយាបង្គោលណាមួយនៅក្នុងល្បះ។
  • ជំនួយកិរិយាមានច្រើនណាស់។ នៅក្នុងល្បះខ្លះជំនួយកិរិយាប្រើនៅខាងដើមកិរិយាបង្គោល។


  • កិរិយាចំណង  គឺជាកិរិយាសព្ទ័ចងភ្ជាប់រវាងនាមឬសព្វនាមទៅនិងពាក្យឬសព្វនាមប្រធាន ទៅនិងពាក្យឬកន្ដោមពាក្យដែលបញ្ជាក់ន័យឲ្យនាមឬសព្វនាមប្រធាននោះវិញ។
  • កាលរបស់កិរិយាគឺជាពេលវេលាដែលអំពើរបស់កិរិយាប្រព្រឹត្តឡើង។​​ កាលកិរិយាអាចចង្អុលចេញពីពេល អតីតកាល , បច្ចុប្បន្នកាល ឬ​ អនាគតកាល។​ កាលកិរិយាចែកចេញជាបីគឺ…..


    • កិរិយាសព្ទ័បច្ចុប្បន្នកាលគឺជាកិរិយាដែលបញ្ជាក់ពីសកម្មភាពនៅពេលបច្ចុប្បន្ន។


  • កិរិយាសព្ទ័អតីតកាល  គឺជាពាក្យដែលបញ្ជាក់ពីសកម្មភាពដែលបានកើតឡើងរួចទៅហើយ។
  • កិរិយាសព្ទ័អនាគតកាល  គឺជាកិរិយាសំដែងប្រាប់សកម្មភាព ឬ​ព្រឹត្តិការណ៍ដែលនឹងកើតឡើងនូវពេលខាងមុខ។



  • កិរិយាសព្ទ័ហេតុ សម្ដែងនូវអំពើ របស់ប្រធានដែលធ្វើឡើងគ្រាន់ជាដើម​ហេតុប៉ុណ្ណោះ


ឯកម្មបទជាអ្នកទទួលយកបុព្វហេតុនោះ ទៅធ្វើអំពើអោយសម្រាច់ដោយខ្លួនឯង។

Black Snake Experiment

On Thursday we had an experiment call a BLACK SNAKE experiment . So let begin:


  • Ingredient


– Sugar

– Alcohol

– Baking Soda

– match

– sand ( we need if we are do it in the a bowl or something else that take place in side class or lab)


  • Instruction


  • take 20 gram of sugar put together with with 5 gram of baking soda and mix them together.
  • After that take sand and put it in small bowl and put the alcohol in the bowl on the top of sand let it there.
  • Then we start to put the mixture between baking soda and the sugar put it one the sand that we put the alcohol on.
  • Finally we will take the match and burn the black snake ingredient that we put it together.

What i thought at first?

What i thought at first won’t get something else that cool by the experiment. I just think it will burn and burn and the result  will get the black small spot come out that all . I thought it will bring a bad smell and also a lot smoke .

What will you see?

When you all the stature finish you will see the black thing that look like snake come out and it will burn and burn and the black thing you see it will pop up like snake come out the hole. The black snake that come out what i think it maybe the mixture of baking soda and the sugar that get burn by the fire . And the alcohol that we put it one of the guy that help support the baking soda and the sugar get burn. And the sand just something that use to contain the alcohol don’t make it to fast to burn and the banifi go so fast. What it smell like,it smell like  the sugar that get to roast when it to much fire. And the black snake it like the water that the ingredient that we use for grill pork with , it feel soft . All of this are what we see, what we smell and how it feel when we do the experiment the black snake !

Out Door Leadership


How have I changed after the Exploration?
     I was of the people who was afraid of the dark the most. I never thought that I could live with darkness at night in the deep forest near the cliff. And I never thought that I could do something like  hiking, living in the forest, sleeping in the tent without taking a shower for 4 days, and working as a team like we are areal family. So let me tell you about how I now know more about myself and that I’m also strong.

    If there wasn’t an exploration called outdoor leadership I wouldn’t  know anything about myself. After outdoor exploration has ended, I am thinking much deeper than before. In outdoor exploration, we had two trips: one at Kirirom and another at Mondulkiri province. At Kirirom, on the way there, I was thinking that at night if it was too dark how would I live, what would I do if we met some dangerous animal, if I couldn’t take a shower for 3 to 4 days would my skin get itchy, would it be hot in the tent, and how many kilometers would I have to work. I was thinking a lot, like I was a crazy person.

    But when my teacher started to talk with me and tell me some of the experiences that he had, I started to think that if ghosts were real, why had they never showed their body to me? What do they look like? So I tried to think of that and let that word inside my heart and tried to think that everything around me wouldn’t affect us if we did not do bad stuff to them first.  Now I know that I am a person who can stand to live without taking shower, can trek to wonderful places like I got a new life in the forest. And after this exploration, I now know that it’s not so hard to go somewhere without transportation.
     After I learned about life outside as an outdoor leader, I want to share some of my experiences, like not taking shower is also fine in the forest. I want to share about the stuff around that we might think, it’s just a tree, but it could also be firewood, which is important in the forest if there nothing like a pot or stove to boil water. And especially about how to do CPR to save a person’s life when they are in an emergency and share how to use first-aid.

Learn how to do CPR
Set up the tent
Exploring the beautiful natural

Sit and spot


Everything around that talk about the number have to use with math . expectantly is money , This round i had changing the book from Math 5A to 5B . In the first week that i got the new book which it 5B , my class mostly we reviewing all the thing that we have learned. But at the second week i have learned about the decimal , we also have reviewing about the decimal about how to change the fraction to decimal , change the decimal to fraction . after we reviewing this we have learn about how to add, subtract ,  time and divide the decimal. We had staring some of the work in workbook and it so fun to study math.

Where I’m from

This term in literacy class i had a topic that talk about the identity . in this class i have writing a poem call where i from , let enjoy:

Where I’m from

            I am from a spoon from the kitchen and powerful. I am from the smell of the food spicy, crispy, delicious and warm. I am from the ground of a  honey flower, Tease so tasty like MSG whose long gone limbs I remember as if they were my own.

           I’m from supervision and wonderful family from mother that talkative but supervision plenty and father as a chef. I’m from cooking and loving and from a family with contentment.

           I’m from a shiny world full of fairy tales about animal and mostly ghost or evil and song of the egret fly, finding foods. I’m from an old following traditional family.

I’m from a area that located surround the capital city and a baby of Cambodian with a smell of sugar.

           I’m From dangerous injury to my dad when my sister was little. A secret present package was never shown on top my closet from  caterpillar until a butterfly




Do you know how the environment was effecting in everyday?

Let begin:  Environment was affected so hard by many reason. And in the literacy class we have focus about the environment have affecting everyday . In this class we have founding so many reason that make the environment was affected and I  have read the book call the rent collector that showing the life of the people that live in the dump Stung meanchey( river of the victory ). This book was talk about the life of the family that live in stung meanchey how they was met and how the dump was more more trash everyday. This book it really related to my class topic that i have learned it the air pollution. Air pollution it the polluted that came from a lot of think such as the smoke from the dump , the smoke from the car and the motor and the smoke from the other place like factory, the place produce the electricity and also the place where their burning the tree to be a coal . as you know if the environment have facing a lot of that problem such and the air pollution water pollution . Can you imagine what will be happen in the next 20 or 30 year.

STEM / Chemical Bonding

In Stem class round 2 of the school years it such a beautiful class. In round two we have learn about the Chemical Bonding . that meaning that the study it about the how the chemical and chemical bonding together to make another substance in the living life. Ask you have study there are Three chemical bonding . The bonding are Ionic Bonding, Covalent Bonding and the Metallic bonding. Now let talk about what it Ironic bonding. Ionic Bonding is the Transfer of the electrons Metal and non-metal. We can say that they sharing each other electrons to make it stable . Example : Hydrogen and oxygen. They sharing the atom together to make their stable.

Covalent Bonding is the bonding between same element sharing their electrons with each other. Example: hydrogen sharing their Electrons with each other .  Ionic Bonding  is the chemical bonding that involves the electrostatic attraction between oppositely charged ions.

Did you know?


  • Hydrogen is the weakest chemical Bonding
  • Covalent is the strongest chemical Bonding
  • Ionic is the moderate chemical Bonding .